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Time Off-Illness

  1. Statutory Sick Pay (SSP): Eligible employees are entitled to receive SSP when they are unable to work due to illness. The current SSP rate and eligibility criteria can be obtained from the UK government's official website.

  2. Self-Certification: For absences of up to 7 days, employees can self-certify their illness by completing a self-certification form (often known as a "sick note") provided by their employer.

  3. Doctor's Note: For absences exceeding 7 days, employees may need to provide a doctor's note, also known as a "fit note" or "medical certificate," to certify their illness and provide details on their expected return to work.

  4. Reporting Sick Leave: Employees should inform their employer as soon as possible if they are unable to attend work due to illness. Most employers have specific procedures in place for reporting sickness absence, such as contacting a designated manager or using an absence reporting system.

  5. Proof of Illness: In some cases, employers may require additional evidence of illness, such as a medical report or further documentation, especially for long-term absences or repeated instances of sickness.

  6. Company Sick Pay Policy: Employers may offer additional sick pay benefits beyond the statutory minimum. These policies can vary between companies, so employees should familiarise themselves with their employer's sick pay policy.

  7. Return to Work Interviews: Some employers may conduct return to work interviews to discuss the absence and ascertain if any further support or adjustments are needed for the employee's return to work.

  8. Fit for Work Assessments: In certain situations, employers may refer employees to a Fit for Work service, which provides occupational health assessments to help facilitate a return to work for employees with long-term or complex health issues.

  9. Disability and Reasonable Adjustments: Employees with disabilities are protected by the Equality Act 2010. Employers have a legal obligation to make reasonable adjustments to support disabled employees in the workplace, including accommodating sickness-related absences where appropriate.

It's important to note that this is a general list and there may be additional nuances or variations depending on specific employment contracts, company policies, and legal requirements. It's advisable to consult the most up-to-date UK employment laws and regulations or seek professional advice when dealing with employee time off due to illness

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